Going public panic!

Going public panic!

Up until now, I have been treating my blog like a diary. Talking to you (my audience) but secretly knowing that only a couple of my nearest and dearest were actually reading it. This was called the ‘testing phase’ to make sure what I was doing was working before baring my soul to the world.

My horror began at 3am when I awoke for a night feed (for the baby, not me) and saw a text from a friend saying she’d just read the blog and how brave it was. Gah! Brave?! I panicked. Partly because she wasn’t meant to have seen the blog by this point (she must have seen someone else’s ‘like’ of my new facebook page, which I thought was set to private) and secondly, was I being too “brave?”

I have always been an open book and don’t embarrass easily – anyone who is anyone will have heard the intricacies of my birth story – but weight feels like a really personal issue to be sharing so publicly. It’s a bit like talking about what we earn isn’t it? No one ever asks how much you weigh and you never willingly share it. But it’s just a number and there are many factors that account for that number including height and muscle.  However, it still feels uncomfortable to have my weight (and successes and failures) out there to be judged by others.

In the cold light of day, I’ve decided to roll with it. It’s out there and I hope you enjoy it. If you’re an ex boyfriend or someone who I didn’t get on with at school (or now for that matter), please do me a favour and stop reading…in the nicest possible way. I am looking for support, not judgement – although I accept I’ll probably get both!

Anyway there is nothing like a broader following (I think I’m at a whopping 7 people right now!) to keep you motivated. I rather foolishly celebrated my half stone loss by wolfing down a load of chocolate yesterday so it’s back on the wagon today.

To all my new readers. Welcome!

Right, I’m off to chop some carrot sticks…